Financial Organization, Planning, Budgeting

Articles and tips related to planning, budgeting, and organization.

Financial Organization, Planning, Budgeting

Organizing Your Finances - This collection of articles and podcasts is your go-to resource for simplifying your finances, developing an organized system and completing employment paperwork. Other topics include renting an apartment and working with financial institutions.

Successful Budgeting and Cash Flow Management- Read here for critical guidance on planning major purchases, budgeting, using online banks and saving money. These podcasts and articles also address the wise use of gift cards, airline mileage plans and cash-only spending.

Managing Personal Finances - This section offers strategies to develop best practices in your financial affairs. Topics include financial literacy, good financial habits, planning basics and interest rate impact. The articles and podcasts also compare filing joint vs. separate tax returns.

Planning Your Future - Establishing goals is central to good financial planning, and this section thoroughly explores the subject. Topics cover defining and setting goals, financial strategies, preparation for major financial events, essential documentation and more.

Planning Your Estate - Refer to the information in this section to help secure your financial future. Topics include estate planning basics, tax and retirement planning, annual gifts, revocable living trusts and charitable giving strategies.

Annual & Quarterly Calendars - There are financial events that occur throughout the year. How do you keep track of them? Here is a helpful section on both an Annual Calendar as well as Quarterly Calendars to help guide you in addressing these issues.